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注册资本: 300万人民币


营业范围: 许可项目:电线、电缆制造(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动,具体经营项目以审批结果为准)一般项目:电线、电缆经营;电力设施器材制造;电力设施器材销售;光缆制造;光缆销售;电力电子元器件制造;电力电子元器件销售;机械电气设备制造;机械电气设备销售;技术服务、技术开发、技术咨询、技术交流、技术转让、技术推广;货物进出口;技术进出口;进出口代理(除依法须经批准的项目外,凭营业执照依法自主开展经营活动)


常州大可线缆有限公司成立于2023年,公司致力于客户提供安全可靠高品质的线缆产品,拥有一支热情、勤学、严谨在线缆行业从事多年的年轻队伍,我们选用优质原材料供应商,使用精良生产设备,配备产品检测所需设备,公司具有较强产品开发和生产能力,并以创新和持续改进为宗旨,借鉴SAP经验,对原材料,成品进行编码管理,为客户从原材料采购到最终产品交付控制好每一个环节。 公司主要生产低压汽车线,电气类用线和工业线缆,产品覆盖标准IS06722-1,DIN72551,JB/T8139,QC/T730,JASOD611,SAJ1128,IEC60227,GB/T5023,JB/T8734,UL758,UL2556等常用标准型号,并提供客户定制产品,产品内控严于各项产品标准要求,定制产品符合客户定制需求,公司积极参与并了解行业前沿动态,积极改善和提升产品力,积极申请体系认证和产品相关认证。 我们坚信所做的事情有意义的,相信做的产品是客户所需要和认可的,以客户为中心,以匠心和恒心律己做好每一款产品,以诚心对待每一个客户,让客户使用我们产品安心,为客户持续创造价值。 做好每一米电线,相信线缆行业大有可为。 Changzhou Dake wire and cable co. ,ltd, called DK cable for short, founded in 2023,we focus on providing safety reliable high quality wire products, we have a group of enthusiastic, diligent, self-disciplined colleague who have been working in wire and cable field for many years, we select the premium raw material supplier, equip high level extrusion and twisting machine and also have lab which various kinds of testing devices which make sure the finished cable is good. We brave to make innovation, we are capable of new product developing and have the ability of cable mass production, we put innovation and sustainable improvement on our core strategy , we learn from the experience which some of us formally used the ERP software, we code the raw material, semi-product and finished goods, we make a data management system, which get ready for finally inputting the SAP ERP software used in our company in the future, we put high standards for all processes from raw material purchasing to the finished products. We mainly produce low voltage vehicle wire, electronic wires and industrial wires, products cover from the standards such as ISO 6722-1, DIN72551,JB/T 8139,QC/T 730,JASOD611,SAEJ1128,IEC 60228,GB/T 5023,JB/T 8734,UL758,UL2556.we also provide custom cable, we have our inner controlling standard which is more strict than the cable applied standards. We involve in wire harness field, to participate and to study the latest wire related knowledge, we will actively apply the approval certificate such as ISO9001,TS16949 also apply TUV DARKA approval about some special products, we provide competitive products on going. We know we are doing a right thing, a meaningful thing, we believe our products are needed and will be recognized by our customers, we implement customer-centric service philosophy, we carry craftsman sprit and put strictly demands on our products, we treat our customer sincerely, make sure our products trusted in our partner, we continually create exceptional value for our customers. We promise to do every meter of cable well.





法定代表人 胡国福 注册资本 300万人民币
经营状态 存续 所属地 江苏省 常州市
统一社会信用代码 91320411MACBYP6HX8 成立时间 2023-03-17
注册号 - 纳税人识别号 91320411MACBYP6HX8
公司性质 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股) 组织机构代码 MACBYP6H-X
核准日期 2023-03-17 所属行业 电气机械和器材制造业
曾用名 — — 英文名 — —
参保人数 -人 注册地址 江苏省常州市新北区孟河镇望江路98号(2幢209)

更新时间:2023-11-22 00:00:00


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